Mutasa shoots his mouth again

ZANU-PF secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa and now confirmed Manicaland boss after his faction swept all the seats in the provincial elections held recently is once again shooting off his…

Chiyangwa and indigenisation

When the Affirmative Action Group was formed in 1994, there was a lot of acrimony about the new organisation. Several questions were raised about why it had been formed when…

TSL results spoiled by Hunyani

Tobacco, storage, printing and packaging group, TSL had an operating income before interest of $145.3 million during the six months ending April, a 36 percent increase over the same period…

TML is coming

Zimbabwe's media, starved of any real competition since the collapse of the Daily Gazette, could be in for a big surprise. First, Associated Newspapers Zimbabwe has just announced it is…

Indigenous Farmers Duped

For the past two months, peasant farmers, disgruntled with the slow pace of resettlement and empty promises over the past 18 years, have been invading commercial farms and settling themselves.…