Rhodies bailing out Mugabe?

Some of President Mugabe's old enemies who propped former Rhodesian rebel leader Ian Smith by busting sanctions at the height of the liberation struggle are now reported to be helping…

Tekere now a spent force

For someone who was once tipped to succeed Robert Mugabe and even gave him a scare in the 1990 presidential elections coming up with 30 percent of the vote, Zimbabwe…

Mzingwane, gays and polygamy

When one looks at some of the suggestions being made to the Constitutional Commission, one is baffled as to what kind of constitution Zimbabweans really like. Some people have suggested…

Excerpts from the MDC manifesto

*The MDC stands for the supremacy of the people and the nation over partisan or individual interests. *The MDC stands for social democratic, human centred, equitable development policies, pursued in…

ZUD and sex

The split within the Zimbabwe Union of Democrats which saw one of the founders, law lecturer, Kempton Makamure, leave the party to form another named ZUD Transparency Fund had nothing…

What a mockery?

Zimbabwe's ageing opposition political leaders must really think the country is full of a bunch of people that do not think. Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole, a senior and one of the…

Can a free market work in Zimbabwe?

At independence in 1980, the new Zimbabwe government was committed to establishing a socialist society based on a state led interventionist and planned strategy. In order to redress the imbalances…

DRC intervention and wisdom!

Zimbabwe's intervention in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which continues to dog the country as it fails to get much needed balance of payments support from the International Monetary Fund,…