Cottco in $3.6 billion profit

Though there was a sharp fall in cotton production due to the drought, the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (Cottco) still managed to increase sales by 51 percent from $7.1 billion…

Exports boost ART revenue

A change in focus from a dwindling Zimbabwean market to an expending regional one saw newly listed Amalgamated Regional Trading (ART) almost treble its sales from $4.5 billion to $12.4…

Medical claims up 300 %

Hyperinflation and the country's inability to generate foreign currency has had a disastrous effect on medical inflation with claims costs going up by three to four times the rate of…

TZI revenue up 119 percent

TZI, which has transformed itself into an investment company leaving management to the boards that are running its investments, had a turnover of $22.6 billion in the year ended September.…

Tanganda produces record crop

Despite a difficult agricultural year marred by an industrial strike in December 2001 and poor rains, Tanganda Tea managed to produce a record crop of 11 011 tonnes. According to…

Tetrad down but optimistic

Tetrad Securities had a mediocre performance during the year ending September but it says profitability improved significantly during the second half because of increased volatility in the market which was…

Ariston sales up 250 percent

Horticultural group, Ariston had mixed fortunes during the year ending September. Flower exports achieved a new high with the company exporting 26 million stems, but tea production dropped by 9…

Bleak prospects for investors

Zimbabwean investors will be in a catch-22 situation this year. There are no more safe havens for their money. The equity market to which most investors flocked following the lowering…

Where is the maize going?

The figures do not add up. According to the Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWSNet), an agency funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which works in…