Moyo now in full control

The editor's job used to be the most secure job at Zimpapers. It was a reward for hard work or for loyalty. But since the arrival of Jonathan Moyo 19…

MDC treading on dicey ground

Divisions within the Movement for Democratic Change, fanned by an overzealous state-controlled media all out to discredit the strongest opposition party this country has ever had, could derail the party's…

MDC cannot afford to talk to ZANU-PF

Though under pressure from leaders of the Southern African Development Community who forced the ruling ZANU-PF and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change to the same conference for the first…

Getting away with murder

Information and Publicity Minister Jonathan Moyo seems to have become so powerful that he can literally get away with murder. For a junior politician, who was only appointed to the…

CIO operative in MDC

With 11 months to go before the presidential elections, the opposition Movement for Democratic Change should expect some of its members to defect to ZANU-PF and this will receive good…

Tsvangirai’s outbursts

Last year he said something that was treasonous. Now he has just had another embarrassing outburst. The question is with the presidential campaign, where he will be the primary candidate,…