Apex profit up nearly tenfold

Apex Corporation, one of the best performers on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange so far this year, had a good first half with turnover for the six months to April surpassing…

Art volumes boosted by exports

Newspapers in Zimbabwe are either reducing their sizes or their circulations are shrinking while declining incomes are forcing people to use less toilet tissue. This is what the half-year report…

TZI profit up 1085 percent

Though it says its operating profits are dominated by Agriflora, its Zambian horticulture export business whose earnings are concentrated in the second half of the year, TZI still managed an…

ZSE doing roaring business

Zimbabwe is full of paradoxes. The country has no cash, fuel or foreign currency. But companies are doing booming business, at least in terms of returns for their investors. Though…

Farm acquisition continues

Though the government had said it had concluded its land acquisition programme and was now consolidating it, more farms continue to be listed for acquisition. The government says it has…