Israel playing it safe with Zimbabwe’s diamonds

It now seems to be becoming a pattern. Members of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme meet in Israel. The major point on the agenda is Zimbabwe’s rough diamonds from Marange. Some Western governments and human rights organisations vehemently oppose the lifting of the ban on Zimbabwe’s diamonds. African diamond mining countries argue that Zimbabwe must be allowed to sell its diamonds.  The diamond industry says Zimbabwe must be allowed to sell its diamonds openly because they are going to get into the market anyway. The KP meeting ends in deadlock.  But not so, says Zimbabwe’s Mines Minister Obert  Mpofu. The country is going to sell its diamonds anyway. Everyone leaves the meeting happy. Each claims victory.


Of elephants and ants

Mines Minister Obert Mpofu today said Zimbabwe is going ahead with the sale of its diamonds from Marange claiming that the country was being ill-treated by the Kimberley Process Certification…

Chombo, Wife Fight Over Assets

LOCAL Government, Rural and Urban Development Minister Ignatius Chombo is embroiled in an acrimonious property-sharing wrangle with his wife, Marian, from whom he has been separated for the past three…

Elections in doubt

The chairman of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Simpson Mutambanengwe today said it is almost impossible for Zimbabwe to hold elections next year because his commission is not geared for the…

Big boob on Zimbabwe’s diamonds

Zimbabwe’s fate as to whether it can sell its diamonds from Marange on the open market will be decided tomorrow but there is already a complication- the Kimberley Process plenary which is meeting in Jerusalem has no specific recommendation to act on. A diamond industry expert says the KP review mission which visited Zimbabwe is August made a few dozen recommendations on various issues but refrained from making any recommendation about exports of the country’s rough diamonds from Marange.