Why the MDC is not rejoicing

The arrest of Philip Chiyangwa, James Makamba and Jane Mutasa, on charges of obstructing justice, externalising funds and illegally dealing in foreign currency, should have seen leaders of the Movement…

No decision on Marange

There was dead silence as the deadline for Kimberley Process members to decide what to do about Zimbabwe’s Marange diamonds came and passed on Monday.  Outgoing chairman, Boaz Hirsch, had asked members to vote on the revised Brussels Proposal by January 10, but it appears not a single country responded and the deadline is said to have been extended to January 17.


Mugabe catches analysts offside

David Plotz of the internet magazine Slate, described President Robert Mugabe in the run-up to the 2000 parliamentary elections as a "scheming survivor", a man who never ran out of…