Twenty years ago – Farmer fined for helping peasants

A Gweru cattle farmer, Paul Richard Friedricks, a director of Anchor Ranching was fined $7 000 for buying more than 1 000 bags of maize from communal farmers. Although the amount looks high, he was lucky because he could have been fined anything between $45 000 and $48 000 had the magistrate not found extenuating circumstances. 


No election yet

ZANU-PF spokesman, Rugare Gumbo, has called on party members to stop electioneering because President Robert Mugabe has not yet called for an election in 2011, reports said today.  "Only after…

Twenty years ago- Political scheming

The popularity of John Nkomo, now Minister of Labour, Manpower Planning and Social Welfare  nearly cost him his political career and according to sources he was only saved by the personal intervention of President Mugabe and Vice-President Muzenda.


No money

Finance Minister Tendai Biti today said there was no money to pay civil servants who are demanding a salary increase of up to 200 percent.  “For the month of January…

Twenty years ago- Too young for comfort

The multi-million dollar military headquarters that was built for Six Brigade at Battlefields was taken over by Five Brigade because, it is claimed, the soldiers of Six Brigade were too young to live in comfort and had not played any meaningful role either in the liberation of the country or bringing about the peace that now prevails.


Twenty years ago- There is no opposition in heaven

Debate on the introduction of a one-party state in Zimbabwe has been on and off for the past year. Although the matter seemed to have been resolved when President Mugabe said it would not be legislated, he has nevertheless since said it is still the goal of his ruling party to establish a one-party state.