Mugabe hits back

President Robert Mugabe today said southern African leaders cannot tell him how to run his country. He was responding to the call by Southern African Development Community leaders to end…

SADC troika calls for end to violence in Zimbabwe- Full statement

The Southern African Development Community troika summit of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation which met in Livingstone, Zambia, yesterday called for an immediate end to violence, intimidation, hate speech, harassment, and any other form of action that contradicts the letter and spirit of Global Political Agreement in Zimbabwe.


Zimbabweans only see problems while others see opportunities

On a recent trip to Harare, I sat next to a South African businessman. He was into trucks. When I asked him if he expected any business in Zimbabwe because I thought a lot of people had bought trucks as a hedge against inflation prior to the formation of the inclusive government in 2009, he was quite frank. There was plenty of business because there was massive expansion in Zimbabwe especially in mining. “Everyone is coming in, the Russians, Europeans, Americans,” he churned out the countries coming back to Zimbabwe so fluently that you could have thought that he was reading from a script.