Can Mutsvangwa get Jonathan Moyo fired?

War veterans leader Christopher Mutsvangwa has defied all odds by retaining his post despite being fired from both the government and the ruling party, clearly demonstrating that there are more powerful forces behind him.

It is not that they did not try to get him fired. They did, but they failed.

Now he is going for Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo. Can he succeed in dethroning the only person President Robert Mugabe mentioned by name for helping him secure his 2013 victory?

According to The Herald, Mutsvangwa yesterday said:  “We cannot have that kind of traitor because of his background, maverick because of his behaviour, an anti-government programme minister because he denounces Command Agriculture even when the President tries to caution him, he still defies the President.

“We cannot continue to have such kind of men in the midst of Zimbabwe’s body politic. We are saying to the President enough is enough. Jonathan Moyo is literally in a brawl. He behaves like a mad dog in a manger.

“He is angry that this revival of the economy is creating a closing window where the agenda for economic abortion will not succeed.

“The only thing that Jonathan and his group talks about is succession, but everybody else in the country is concerned about the degradation of the economy.”

It is not clear whether the “We” that Mutsvangwa used several times referred to war veterans or some other forces.

But Mutsvangwa seems to have the support of the military because Defence Forces Chief Constantine Chiwenga also complained about Moyo’s behaviour last week.

That is a strange combination because it is the same combination that forced Mugabe to rein in his wife, Grace, last year, when she accused the military of trying to kill her son Chatunga .

Service chiefs told Mugabe bluntly to rein her in unless he agreed with her and she cancelled her rallies.

But Jonathan Moyo is a different kettle of fish all together.

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