Tetrad down but optimistic

Tetrad Securities had a mediocre performance during the year ending September but it says profitability improved significantly during the second half because of increased volatility in the market which was…

Tanganda produces record crop

Despite a difficult agricultural year marred by an industrial strike in December 2001 and poor rains, Tanganda Tea managed to produce a record crop of 11 011 tonnes. According to…

TZI revenue up 119 percent

TZI, which has transformed itself into an investment company leaving management to the boards that are running its investments, had a turnover of $22.6 billion in the year ended September.…

Exports boost ART revenue

A change in focus from a dwindling Zimbabwean market to an expending regional one saw newly listed Amalgamated Regional Trading (ART) almost treble its sales from $4.5 billion to $12.4…

Queues of a different kind

Queues are a common sight in Zimbabwe. They are usually associated with shortages- of maize meal, bread, fuel or sugar. But there is a new type of queue that is…

Interfresh EPS up 560 percent

Horticultural company, Interfresh had excellent results in the nine months to September with sales going up 238 percent to $3.9 billion, more than the total sales for last year which…

Cairns profit up nearly tenfold

Strong demand for products of Cairns Holdings saw the company's sales increase more than four-fold while net profit increased nearly ten-fold during the year ending August but volumes only increased…