Bob still in control

Talk about Mugabe's exit plan and how the deal went sour continues, but apparently, the President who turned 79 this month is still very much in control. Whispers say though…

Chinos and ZFTU

Though the pro-government media, especially the electronic media, has been pushing forward the Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions (ZFTU) as the representative of the workers and highlighted in May Day…

Another paper

News that Associated Newspapers of Zimbabwe, publishers of the Daily News, are finally going to launch their Sunday paper has sent the media industry in a frenzy. Tension among editors…

Mugabe moves one notch up

The departure of Daniel arap Moi in December after leading Kenya for 24-years has seen Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe move one notch up among the world's longest surviving leaders. Moi…

Where is the maize going?

The figures do not add up. According to the Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWSNet), an agency funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which works in…

Bleak prospects for investors

Zimbabwean investors will be in a catch-22 situation this year. There are no more safe havens for their money. The equity market to which most investors flocked following the lowering…

France to the rescue?

France has hit Britain below the belt. Already at odds with Britain over the war against Iraq, France has invited President Robert Mugabe to attend the Franco-African summit next month…

Delta thriving on increased spending

Despite the high inflation, negative interest rates, severe foreign currency shortages, an unrealistic exchange rate and falling formal employment, consumer spending has been firm largely because of the low interest…