When numbers lie!

Figures don't lie, goes the adage, but liars can figure. Which is precisely why we need to be a lot more skeptical of the numbers we publish... especially numbers that…

ZCTU to the rescue?

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU), which gave birth to the Movement for Democratic Change, Robert Mugabe's biggest headache since its formation four years ago, is about to bail…

The Emperor without his clothes

Bill Clinton's famous statement about, and focus on, the American economy in the 1992 Presidential campaign more than any other factor probably secured his Presidential election victory. And more than…

Inflation, Bob’s worst enemy!

Inflation, considered by the World Bank to be the greatest tax on the poor, could President Robert Mugabe's nemesis. Despite the wholesale price controls his government introduced in November, inflation…

RTG optimistic

International tourism wholesalers are now beginning to believe and to accept that, contrary to some media campaigns, Zimbabwe is one of the safest tourism destinations in the world but the…

Chemco survives despite controls

Agricultural inputs company, Chemco has lamented the introduction of price controls and the recent changes in foreign currency regulations saying they will hamper growth of the company. It says restricted…