Phoenix on full throttle

Phoenix Consolidated Industries which contributed more than half of the revenue of Apex Corporation had a good first half with only one business unit, William Smith & Gourock suffering from…

TZI profit up 1085 percent

Though it says its operating profits are dominated by Agriflora, its Zambian horticulture export business whose earnings are concentrated in the second half of the year, TZI still managed an…

Art volumes boosted by exports

Newspapers in Zimbabwe are either reducing their sizes or their circulations are shrinking while declining incomes are forcing people to use less toilet tissue. This is what the half-year report…

Interfresh profit up 610 percent

Interfresh, another horticultural company, had an excellent first half ending June with sales and net profit double that for the full year ending December. And it says it usually has…

CFI heading for exceptional year

Milling company, CFI Holdings, which also operates a chain of retail stores and is probably the country's biggest poultry producer could be heading for an exceptional year. According to its…

Porthold still operating at a loss

Portland Holdings, the Zimbabwean subsidiary of Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) had an operating loss of R9.6 million ( about $1 billion at the official exchange rate) during the six moths…