Writing on the wall for ZANU-PF?

While ZANU-PF is playing down the low voter turnout in its just-ended primary polls that were widely covered by the state media, perhaps even better than some national elections, some…

Bulawayo approves $18 billion plans

Bulawayo enjoyed a building boom last year, though this was largely at individual level, with the council approving plans valued at $18.6 billion, a five-fold increase from the previous year.…

Mai Mujuru is here to stay

  The meteoric rise of Joyce Mujuru to Vice-President has left many people baffled. The question still lingering in most people's minds, more than a month after she was catapulted…

New twist to ZANU-PF Bulawayo fiasco

Cracks within the ruling ZANU-PF continue to widen as it emerged yesterday that the provincial executive in Bulawayo was not dissolved but resigned. The party's national political commissar Elliot Manyika…

Beitbridge deals latest blow on Alpha

Businessman Jonathan Gapare, whose company Alpha Construction lost its contract to develop and build houses in Cowdray Park in November, has suffered another terrible blow. The Beitbridge Rural District Council…

Shocking revelations on Aids drug

A drug that is being vigorously promoted in Zimbabwe as the answer to solving the mother-to-child transmission of HIV may have serious side-effects, especially if used as a single dose.…

A war lost before it even began

When high-profile ZANU PF politicians and business executives Phillip Chiyangwa, James Makamba and Jane Mutasa were arrested at the beginning of the year following the turmoil in the financial sector…