Australian court declares Cranswick bankrupt

African Consolidated Resources chief executive Andrew Cranswick was declared bankrupt by an Australian court on 27 October this year. He had been taken to court by the Australian Tax Office which said he owed A$1 117 716.33 is taxes dating back to 2005. Here is the judgment in full.


Australian judge gives tax office go ahead with Cranswick case

An Australian Judge Neil McKerracher ruled on 18 August 2010 that the Australian Tax Office could go ahead with its bankruptcy case against African Consolidated Resources chief executive Andrew Cranswick because it had done everything to serve him with court papers after he had absconded from Australia. The tax office said Cranswick owed it more than A$1 million. The court was told that Cranswick left Australia on 9 June 2009 promising to return on 22 June but has never returned to that country. Here is the judgment in full.


Inflation up

Zimbabwe's annual inflation rose to 4.2 percent year-on-year in November from 3.6 percent in October, the Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency said today.  Prices of food, including beef, milk and cooking…

Diplomatic cables – US ambassador more worried about fate of warthogs after plane crash

Diplomatic life must be very exciting. United States ambassador to Zimbabwe Charles Ray in his weekly summary of events on Zimbabwe in November last year reported that his arrival had been delayed because of an accident involving an Air Zimbabwe flight to Bulawayo. The aircraft struck a group of five warthogs and veered off the runway, destroying some of the runway lights. But what was more interesting about the cable is that Ray appeared to be worried that the government did not comment on the fate of the warthogs.