Assange a Mugabe apologist!

If Julian Assange were a Zimbabwean, he would have been labelled a Mugabe apologist.  The cables his Wikileaks has released so far all appear to be favouring President Robert Mugabe. They prove what he has been saying all along, that the West is fighting for regime change. Of course there have been some cables castigating him as being a “crazy old man” and accusing his wife and sister of looting diamonds from Marange.


Mugabe vows retaliation

President Robert Mugabe today vowed to avenge Western economic sanctions imposed on his ruling party by threatening to seize foreign-owned businesses and mining interests. "Unless you remove sanctions we will…

South Africa eases procedures for Zimbabweans to be documented

With two weeks to go before the deadline to document all Zimbabweans in South Africa, Pretoria has eased  the procedures to make sure that every Zimbabwean files papers with the department of Home Affairs before the 31 December deadline including those who have applied but have not yet received their passports and those without any Zimbabwean identification papers.


Zimbabwe continues to be a headache for the UK

Zimbabwe continues to be a headache for Britain. President Robert Mugabe has announced that the country will be holding elections next year, a move that could be endorsed by his Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front this weekend, but Britain seems at odds as to what to do about the elections.