Zuma no different from Mbeki

Reading the headlines, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has no door now. South African President Jacob Zuma, the Southern African Development Community appointed mediator for Zimbabwe, is piling pressure on the…

Mangoma acquitted

Energy Minister Elton Mangoma was today acquitted of corruption charges. Judge Chinembiri Bhunu said the prosecution had failed to prove that Mangoma had a case to answer. He was arrested…

Biti besieged

Scores of ZANU-PF supporters besieged Finance Minister Tendai Biti's office demanding to know why he was not prepared to increase salaries of civil servants. Biti, who had been tipped about…

Britain checking how its aid to Zimbabwe is used

Britain’s Minister of International Development Andrew Mitchell says although British aid to Zimbabwe is not channelled through the government but through “trusted partners” like the United Nations Children’s Fund, his officials have regular contact with Zimbabwean ministers and senior officials to ensure the best possible coherence with plans of the Zimbabwe government.


Timba freed

High Court judge Joseph Musakwa today ordered the release of Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office Jameson Timba but reports say he was immediately detained again after the…