Empowerment ultimatum

Zimbabwe today gave foreign firms, including mines and banks, a 14-day ultimatum to submit "acceptable" plans on how they propose to transfer majority stakes to local owners or risk losing…

No progress on Zimbabwe

Southern African leaders ended two-day talks today with no major progress announced in resolving leadership battles in Zimbabwe and Madagascar that have topped the regional agenda in recent years. The…

Mujuru dies

Solomon Mujuru one of the two leading forces in President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African Union- Patriotic Front died in a mysterious fire today. Mujuru was the first commander of the…


Finance Minister Tendai Biti today said Zimbabwe will use US$140 million of a US$500 million Special Drawings Rights facility to pay part of its debt to the International Monetary Fund…

MPs face prosecution

Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Eric Matinenga today threatened to take legal action against legislators refusing to explain how the used their $50000 constituency grants. The country’s 210 parliamentarians are…

The stories that Jesse tried to kill-Part 1

David Jesse managed to have The Insider website shut down for 30 hours on 9 August. His claim was that: “Since 2002 the Zimbabwe Minister of Education David Coltart has solicited a Mugabe journalist to publish false and fictitious information in regard the writer and his wife and his two minor children to the internet.”


Penalties reduced

Zimbabwe has reduced penalties for foreign companies that violate a government mandate to sell a majority of their shares to locals, according to a government notice obtained today. Penalties for…

Jesse’s short-lived victory

Self-proclaimed former Selous Scout David Israel Ben Jesse managed to have The Insider website shut down for just 30 hours before it was reinstated following strong representations from the publisher that he had no case and that it was unfair for the hosting company to shut down the site without giving The Insider a chance to defend its stories.