Masamvu sceptical about constitutional amendment

IDASA analyst Sydney Masamvu was very sceptical about the agreement of the Movement for Democratic Change and the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front on Constitutional Amendment 18 because he felt the MDC had given “everything” to ZANU-PF and had received virtually nothing in return.


Masamvu cables go viral

The serialisation of the Wikileaks cables involving former journalist Sydney Masamvu has gone viral. Genuine visits to The Insider website as measured by Google have increased 15-fold over the past 24 hours.


Inflation up again

Zimbabwe's headline consumer inflation edged up to 3.5 percent year-on-year in August from 3.3 percent in July, the Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency said today. The major contributors were transport costs,…

Masamvu hails US military campaign to disarm Iraq

Under headline “It’s time to flush out the Saddams of this world” the March 27 edition of the independent weekly “The Financial Gazette” carried an opinion piece by Sydney Masamvu – the paper’s Assistant Editor – on page 18 in which he hails the ongoing United States-led military campaign to disarmIraq, saying, “The year 2003 should be dedicated to flushing out dictators the world over – in Baghdad, Havana, Jakarta, southern Africa – and send them running.”