The Didymus Mutasa Wikileaks dossier

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa who was recently quoted as saying that those who collaborated with the party’s enemies in secret cables released by Wikileaks should be punished regardless of the positions they hold in the party is himself cited in 84 cables. Here are the cables.


Mugabe criticises ICC

President Robert Mugabe today accused the International Criminal Court of turning a “blind eye” to crimes by Western leaders. He told the United Nations General Assembly that the ICC “seems…

Mudzuri says Chombo is undermining MDC

The former mayor of Harare Elias Mudzuri who was suspended from his post by Local Government Minister Ignatius Chombo told United States embassy officials that Chombo was trying to undermine the Movement for Democratic Change by persecuting him so that he could seize control of municipalities that the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front could not win through the ballot.