Jonathan Moyo friends with Justice Chidyausiku

Information Minister Jonathan Moyo was friends with then Judge President Godfrey Chidyausiku and United States embassy officials speculated as early as January 2001 that as an ardent supporter of President Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front Chidyausiku could become chief justice because of the “tireless lobbying” by Moyo.


Jonathan Moyo linked to Inyika Trust

Information Minister Jonathan was linked to a new trust Inyika Trust one of whose members was Harare lawyer Terrence Hussein who said the trust’s main purpose was to provide legal assistance and representation to communal farmers and landless Zimbabweans.


The Jonathan Moyo Wikileaks dossier

Jonathan Moyo has courted controversy from the time he was at the University of Zimbabwe, when he moved to the Ford Foundation in Kenya, when he joined the Wits University in South Africa, when he joined the Zimbabwe government, when he left to become an independent Member of Parliament, when he rejoined ZANU-PF and of course when Wikileaks released its diplomatic cables.