ZANUPF chef hires Chinotimba to evict white farmer

Former chief executive officer of the Zimbabwe United Passenger Company and later deputy Minister of Information Bright Matonga is reported to have hired war veterans leader and self-styled commander of farm invasions Joseph Chinotimba to evict Vince and Monica Schultz from their horticultural farm though they had won the right to remain on the farm in the High Court.


The Tendai Biti Wikileaks dossier

Finance Minister Tendai Biti is considered one of the most powerful men in the Movement for Democratic Change where as secretary-general he is generally regarded as the party’s number two. But he is also said to be very ambitious. There are 231 cables that mention his name.


MDC prepares to impeach Mugabe

Movement for Democratic Change legislator for Harare Central Mike Auret told United States ambassador to Zimbabwe Tom McDonald that his party was planning to impeach President Robert Mugabe and had gathered overwhelming evidence to prove that he was behind the violence in the run-up to the 2000 elections.