Mugabe predicted to win one year before elections

University of Zimbabwe research fellow Brian Raftopoulos, described by the United States embassy as one of Zimbabwe’s best thinkers with an uncanny knack for predicting events that come to pass, said President Robert Mugabe was going to win the 2002 presidential elections which were more than a year away but this would be an illegitimate election.


1200 Wikileaks cables and still counting

We now have 1200 Wikileaks cables on Zimbabwe alone. As we have stated before our aim is to publish all the Wikileaks cables that were released on Zimbabwe. This does not in any way mean that we agree with what the cables say. Our primary aim is to demonstrate United States thinking on Zimbabwe. And once we have a complete database of all the cables, we will start investigating some of the things mentioned in the cables.


Bikita poll marred by violence

The Bikita West by-election which had been necessitated by the death of Amos Mutongi of the Movement for Democratic Change was marred by violence as the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front went all out to regain the seat it had held before the June 2000 elections.