People will regret voting for Mugabe

People who voted for President Robert Mugabe in one of the most controversial elections would live to regret their preference for a party of violence and lies, the Daily News warned after the 2002 presidential elections which Mugabe won overwhelmingly.


Mugabe wins, Tsvangirai mourns

President Robert Mugabe won the 2002 presidential elections with a 427 000 majority but his main rival Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change rejected the results as “the biggest fraud he has ever witnessed”.


Why Tsvangirai cannot be trusted to run the country

Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai could not be trusted to run the country because he had vigorously campaigned for sanctions and power blackouts, something that directly affected the ordinary man in the street, the Bulawayo daily, Chronicle, said on the eve of the presidential elections in 2002.


ZANU-PF campaign of intimidation pays off

United States embassy officials still held the forlorn hope that Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change could pip Robert Mugabe of the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front in the 2002 presidential elections but the figures were heavily skewed in favour of Mugabe.


Army warns journalists

Zimbabwe’s military and security chiefs warned journalists against publishing false reports that discredit the leadership and membership of security organisations saying that any reports and actions designed to create instability in Zimbabwe will be met with the full force of the law.


Mugabe walks out on EU team

President Robert Mugabe walked out of a meeting with a European Union delegation when they asked about election observers for the 2002 presidential elections saying they should leave Zimbabwe alone because it was capable of conducting elections on its own.


Poll confusing

A poll by the Financial Gazette revealed confusing results with unweighted data showing that President Robert Mugabe would win the 2002 presidential elections while the weighted data showed that Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai would win.