Mpofu says it doesn’t matter if economy is destroyed

Matabeleland North governor Obert Mpofu is reported to have vowed that only Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front supporters would be resettled in his province and it did not matter if the economy was destroyed in the process because the ruling party would then rebuild it just like the Japanese rebuilt their economy after World War II.


No oversight at Chiadzwa

The Parliament Committee on Mines and Energy which is chaired by former Mines Minister Edward Chindori-Chininga has grilled the leadership of the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation and the Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe for lack of oversight on the two joint ventures operating in Chiadzwa, Mbada Diamonds and Canadile Miners.


Chiadzwa in the news

The Chiadzwa diamond fields hit the international news after a team of Canadian journalists visited the mine and interviewed Mines Minister Obert Mpofu and one of the people that said he had helped with the mass grave that the government continued to deny.


The Obert Mpofu Wikileaks cables

Obert Mpofu has been one of the few political survivors from Matabeleland with a constituency of his own. He is also reported to be one of the richest men in the country though there are still questions about how he got his money. He is also reported to be thoroughly corrupt and has so far converted all Movement for Democratic Change politicians who have been appointed his deputies at the Ministry of Mines. There are just over 40 cables on him. Here is the first batch.