The complete Solomon Mujuru Wikileaks dossier

Solomon Mujuru was one of the most powerful people in Zimbabwe. He was reported to be one of the few Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leaders who could openly challenge President Robert Mugabe. He was even referred to as a kingmaker. Mujuru had also become one of the richest people in the country with businesses that spanned across the entire economy from mining to retail. But he died a painful death that remains shrouded in mystery. Here is the full list of Wikileaks cables on him.


The Welshman Ncube Wikileaks cables

Welshman Ncube was the second most powerful person within the Movement for Democratic Change when the party was formed in 1999. His political star, however, began to fade when he led a splinter group in 2005 that insisted that the party should contest the senate elections. A constitutional expert, Ncube may have been right in principle, but the move backfired. Though he allowed Arthur Mutambara to lead the party until he took over, the MDC that Ncube now leads only commands 10 seats in Parliament. It could even lose those seats to either his main rival Morgan Tsvangirai or the resuscitated Zimbabwe African People’s Union led by Dumiso Dabengwa. There are 207 Wikileaks cables on him. Here they are.


Ncube says MDC is under pressure to get Mugabe out

Movement for Democratic Change secretary general Welshman Ncube told United States embassy officials that though his party was willing to talk with the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front to ease tension within the country, radicals within the party were not interested in dialogue and just wanted President Robert Mugabe to go.


MDC victory in 2000 could have been destabilising

A South African legislator Ebrahim Ebrahim told United States embassy officials that the outcome of the 2000 Zimbabwe elections in which the Movement for Democratic Change narrowly lost to the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front was a welcome result because a ZANU-PF loss would have been destabilising.