Police tear-gassed about 4000 people led by ZANU-PF militia and war veterans who had besieged the Grain Marketing Board depot in Bulawayo demanding transparency in the distribution of maize.


Ncube says Tsvangirai was duped by Canadians

Movement for Democratic Change secretary general Welshman Ncube is reported to have confided to a Canadian embassy official Ronald Willson that party leader Morgan Tsvangirai was duped into thinking that two Canadians he met were deputy directors of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.


Ncube says judge is a staunch ZANU-PF supporter

Movement for Democratic Change secretary general Welshman Ncube said High Court judge George Chiweshe was not likely to release MDC members including national treasurer Fletcher Dulini- Ncube because he was a former military judge and a staunch Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front supporter.