The Edgar Tekere Wikileaks cables

Edgar Tekere was the second most powerful person in the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front at independence. But he lost favour because of his outspokenness against corruption and the party’s drive for a one-party state. He challenged President Robert Mugabe in the 1990 elections but this political career began to fade after that. Though he formed the Zimbabwe Unity Movement, most people felt that he remained ZANU-PF at heart. He just did not agree with the way the party was being run. There are four cables that mention his name. Here they are.


Mugabe a spiritual descendant of Idi Amin- Wikileaks

President Robert Mugabe has been described as a spiritual descendant of former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin whose reign of terror is reported to have entrenched the cult of African strongmen “who plunder their countries’ natural wealth for their personal gratification, all the while repressing their own people with sadistic, almost bestial glee….”.


Indigenisation not new

President Robert Mugabe is allegedly trying to use indigenisation to lure votes in the country’s next elections. If that is true, then it is nothing new because Mugabe announced nearly 10 years ago that his government was introducing a new indigenisation bill that would require companies to allocate a minimum of 20 percent shareholding to their workers.