The John Nkomo Wikileaks cables

John Nkomo is one of the political survivors from the former Zimbabwe African People’s Union. His rise within the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front has always been viewed with suspicion. He was reportedly too close to President Robert Mugabe. Rumours even said he was related to Mugabe through his brother Albert. Despite all the odds he rose first to national chairman and then vice-president of the party, the highest post any former ZAPU official has ever held. There are about 130 Wikileaks cables on him. Here is the first batch.


Nkomo says no harm will come to Tsvangirai

Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front chairman John Nkomo assured United States ambassador to Zimbabwe Tom McDonald in the run up to the 2000 parliamentary elections that no harm was going to come to Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai but at the same time he warned the opposition leader to be careful.


Mugabe is a hindrance to change

President Robert Mugabe was a stumbling block to any change but increased calls for his resignation could have the unintended effect of strengthening his resolve to stay in power, a United States research institute said way back in 2003.


SADC betrays Zimbabweans

The Southern African Development Community had betrayed Zimbabweans by failing to put pressure on President Robert Mugabe to abandon his ruinous policies that had brought the country to its knees, the Daily News said in 2003.