Simba Makoni- the first 100 Wikileaks cables

Simba Makoni was one of the youngest cabinet ministers at independence. When he was posted to the Southern African Development Community as secretary-general, there was wide speculation that President Robert Mugabe was grooming him to eventually take over and was giving him the international exposure that he needed. These hopes were dashed when after leaving SADC, Makoni was made chief executive of Zimbabwe Newspapers. Political observers believed this was a way to keep Makoni out of politics and succession. But hopes were raised again when he was catapulted to Finance Minister in 2000. He remained a strong contender until he decided to stand against Mugabe and Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai in 2008. Most people believe Makoni was misled by his colleagues from ZANU-PF who had promised to break away from the party at the critical period in the run up to the 2008 elections but never did so. There are more than 160 Wikileaks cables on Makoni. Here are the first 102


Two banks closed

Two banks, Genesis Investment Bank and Interfin Bank, were forced to stop operations after they were found to be seriously undercapitalised, the central bank said today. Genesis Investment Bank Limited…

Delta to the rescue

Delta Corporation, one of the largest corporations in the country which controlled the beverages industry, announced a Z$10 billion initiative to supply inputs to boost the production of maize, sorghum and malting barley.