Waiting for Mugabe to go

Coca-Cola Communications Director Sherree Gladys Shereni told United States embassy officials that no economic or social reforms would take place in Zimbabwe while President Robert Mugabe was still in power.


Made survives Mugabe’s purge on losers

Agriculture Minister Joseph Made was one of the few government ministers who survived President Robert Mugabe’s purge on ministers who had lost their parliamentary seats in the 2008 elections as he reshuffled his cabinet in a move that was viewed as making room for the Movement for Democratic Change.


Made among the losers in 2008

Farm Mechanisation Minister Joseph Made was one of the big wigs from the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front who lost the election in 2008 resulting in the party being beaten for the first time since independence.


Is not winning, losing?

United States embassy officials in Harare were confident that President Robert Mugabe had not won the 2008 elections, the very first day of the count, but at the same time they were not certain that Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai had received over 50 percent of the vote.