Coltart – the first 50 Wikileaks cables

David Coltart rose to fame in the 1980s when he defended senior Zimbabwe African People’s Union politicians such as Sidney Malunga, Edward Ndlovu and Stephen Nkomo, all dead now, when they were being harassed during the 1980s civil strife when ZAPU was accused of trying to topple President Robert Mugabe’s government. Mugabe was Prime Minister at the time. He then set up the Bulawayo Legal Projects Centre to help those who could not afford lawyers. This further catapulted him to fame leading to his election as a Movement for Democratic Change Member of Parliament in 2000. Coltart was a former member of the Rhodesia police before going to South Africa to study law. He is currently the Minister of Education in the inclusive government. There are more than 100 Wikileaks cables on him. Here are the first 50.


MDC robbed again

That was the general feeling as it emerged that the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, which was supposed to be in for a surprise in the 2005 parliamentary election, had garnered 59 percent of the vote and was heading for a two-thirds majority.


Biggest mall

West Property, Augur Investments and McCormick Property Development, are planning to build a US$100 million Shopping Mall in Borrowdale. The mall which will be the second largest in Africa will…

ZANU-PF wins Zengeza

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front won the crucial Zengeza seat but its victory was marred by reports of violence in which ZANU-PF Minister Elliot Manyika was accused of shooting a Movement for Democratic Change youth.