Chinotimba called Simba Makoni a traitor

Joseph Chinotimba, a war veterans leader who rose to fame by spearheading farm invasions in 2000, was the only notable exception from the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front to publicly criticise former Finance Minister Simba Makoni when he announced his candidacy for president to challenge ZANU-PF candidate Robert Mugabe and Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai in the 2008 elections.


Dust up at Harvest House

A gang of youths occupied the Movement for Democratic Change’s headquarters at Harvest House and demanded the removal of then secretary general Welshman Ncube, his deputy Gift Chimanikire and treasurer Fletcher Dulini-Ncube.


Muchinguri in driver’s seat

Minister of Women’s Affairs Oppah Muchinguri assumed the driver’s seat in implementing the Domestic Violence Act when it was passed by parliament in 2007 but at the same time recognised that the process would not work without civil society’s engagement.


Tsvangirai cries fraud

Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai who had been upbeat at the start of the 2005 elections was downbeat when the results started coming in though his party had won 28 of the 32 announced results.