The Henry Madzorera Wikileaks cables

Dr Henry Madzorera joined the Movement for Democratic Change in 2000 and contested the Kwekwe Mayoral seat in2002 but lost. He was elected Secretary for Health in 2006 and is currently a senator and Minister of Health. Only four cables mentioned his name and here they are:


Was Manyika in Mnangagwa’s camp?

Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front political commissar Elliot Manyika, a hardliner reported to be close to Emmerson Mnangagwa, was attempting to reform ZANU-PF party structures in support of Mnangagwa when he was killed in a car accident.


Mnangagwa and Sekeramayi step in

Emmerson Mnangagwa and then Defence Minister Sydney Sekeramayi had to be called in to South Africa to join the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front chief negotiators Patrick Chinamasa and Nicholas Goche because according to businessman Strive Masiyiwa Goche and Chinamasa lacked sufficient authority to resolve fundamental issues.


The Paurina Gwanyanya Mpariwa Wikileaks cables

Paurina Gwanyanya Mpariwa is hardly known outside the trade union circles. But she was so powerful and effective in the labour movement that she was elected to the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions’ general council and was appointed Shadow Minister of Labour when the Movement for Democratic Change was formed. She was even deputy chief whip of the party and landed the powerful post of Ministry of Labour when the inclusive government was formed. There are six Wikileaks cables on her. Here they are: