Khupe brings laughter to the house

Movement for Democratic Change vice-President Thokozani Khupe brought laughter to the house at a time when tensions between the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front and the MDC were quite high when she said Zimbabwean families were divided between ZANU-PF and the MDC, between ZANU-PF and ZAU-PF, and between the MDC and the MDC.


Midlands: the model in land redistribution

Midlands Province was described as a model in land reform because black and white farmers were working together and provincial governor Cephas Msipa had convinced the government not to compulsorily take over white-owned dairy farms because this would lead to milk shortages.


Ncube said pressure from West working but Mugabe preferred African solution

The secretary-general of the smaller faction of the Movement for Democratic Change Welshman Ncube told United States embassy officials that pressure on President Robert Mugabe from the United States and the European Union was working but Mugabe preferred that any solution for the Zimbabwe crisis should come from Africa so that he could say he had stood up to the West and Africans had helped him to solve Zimbabwe’s problems.


Failed banker appointed minister

Francis Nhema was described by the United States embassy as a failed banker when he was appointed Minister of Environment and Tourism in 2000 and had probably landed the post because he was the son-in-law of Vice-President Joshua Nkomo.