Mumbengegwi retains post

Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, who had been Foreign Minister from 2005, retained his post in the inclusive government joining President Robert Mugabe’s band of mostly Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front loyalists.


Why China vetoed UN sanctions against Zimbabwe

China instructed its ambassador to the United Nations Wang to veto the United States-sponsored resolution for United Nations Security Council sanctions on Zimbabwe, after its disputed 2008 elections, because South African President Thabo Mbeki had told Beijing that the United Kingdom and the United States were actively discouraging the Movement for Democratic Change from negotiating with President Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.


The role of the Prime Minister

A document outlining the role of the Prime Minister was initialled by President Robert Mugabe and the leader of smaller faction of the Movement for Democratic Change Arthur Mutambara in August 2008 but the leader of the larger faction Morgan Tsvangirai refused to sign because he felt that as Prime Minister he should be head of cabinet.


Dell walked out on Mumbengegwi

United States ambassador to Zimbabwe Christopher Dell walked out of a briefing with Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi after the minister refused to give an assurance that diplomats would be allowed to ask questions after the briefing.


The Mumbengegwis rule the roost

President Robert Mugabe was reported to have bolstered himself when he appointed two brothers to two of the most powerful posts in government when he appointed Samuel Mumbengegwi as Minister of Finance in 2007 joining his brother Simbarashe who was already Minister of Foreign Affairs.