Ncube and Misihairabwi-Mushonga wanted sanctions lifted

Minister of Regional Trade and International Cooperation Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga and Industry and Trade Minister Welshman Ncube, both from the Mutambara faction of the Movement for Democratic Change, were more vocal about the lifting of sanctions on Zimbabwe than Zimbabwe African National Union negotiator Patrick Chinamasa who was also Minister of Justice.


Rare praise for Mutambara

The Minister of Water Development Sam Sipepa Nkomo, in a rare praise for Arthur Mutambara, leader of the smaller faction of the Movement for Democratic Change, said the deputy Prime Minister had been a positive force in cabinet and had been caucusing with MDC-T ministers.


Welshman Ncube makes it to cabinet

Movement for Democratic Change-Mutambara faction chief negotiator Welshman Ncube made it to the cabinet of the inclusive government when he was appointed Minister of Industry and Commerce joining his deputy Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga.


Heads discuss exit from DRC

Zimbabwe’s Foreign Minister Stan Mudenge told United States special envoy Howard Wolpe that Heads of State of the external actors in the Democratic Republic of Congo war had met at Victoria Falls to discuss ways of getting out of the Congo.


The Simbarashe Mumbengegwi Wikileaks cables

Simbarashe Mumbengegwi has been a loyal member of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front since the 1960s and has been in and out of cabinet since the 1980s. He reportedly belongs to the elite group of people like Simba Makoni and the late Witness Mangwende who fundraised for the party during their student days and were later rewarded by high posts in the government. Mumbengegwi has been a deputy minister, a cabinet minister and a diplomat in some of the most powerful postings like the United Nations and the United Kingdom. But there are only a dozen cables about him. Here they are: