US said the GPA had plenty of holes

The United States said the Global Political Agreement which was signed by Zimbabwe’s three major political parties had plenty of holes including no division of ministries, the possibility that Mugabe would retain control over the police and security services, and no mention of amnesty or transitional justice.


Mugabe reneging on his commitments!

United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer told Senegalese Foreign Minister Cheik Gadio that she thought President Robert Mugabe was reneging on the Global Political Agreement that he had entered into with the two leaders of the Movement for Democratic Change.


Lawyer said Tsvangirai signed GPA without MDC national council approval

One of the Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s lawyers Innocent Chagonda said Tsvangirai signed the Global Political Agreement with President Robert Mugabe of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front and the smaller faction of the MDC led by Arthur Mutambara without the approval of the party’s national council.


Sipepa Nkomo said MDC could work with Mzembi

Minister of Water Samuel Sipepa Nkomo said while most of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front cabinet members were difficult to deal with, Environment Minister Francis Nhema and Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi were moderates whom the Movement for Democratic Change could work with.


Mzembi elevated to minister

Though often touted as one of the reformists within the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front Walter Mzembi was elevated from a deputy minister to Minister of Tourism and Hospitality in the inclusive government.