Business tries to engage Mugabe

The heads of eight large business corporations launched the Business Initiative in Zimbabwe to build dialogue with President Robert Mugabe’s government hoping to win the President’s trust by underwriting projects that he approved of.


Did government accept GMO food in 2002?

The government which had previously rejected genetically modified food is reported to have accepted the food aid in 2002 but on condition that it would be quarantined to allow Zimbabwe’s agricultural scientists to closely monitor its shipment, milling and distribution in the country.


Botswana said GPA was dead

Botswana’s Foreign Minister Phandu Skelemani told United States diplomats that the power-sharing agreement in Zimbabwe was dead and Movement for Democratic Change leader and Prime Minister designate Morgan Tsvangirai might announce the withdrawal of the MDC from outside Zimbabwe to avoid being arrested.


AU leaders were expected to tear Mugabe apart

African Union Commission deputy chairperson Erastus Mwencha told United States diplomats that it was important to resolve the Zimbabwe crisis before the January 2009 AU summit in Addis Ababa because it would dominate the event and some AU leaders would tear President Robert Mugabe apart.


Mugabe placated Mujuru!

The appointment of Sydney Sekeramayi as Defence Minister in a cabinet reshuffle in August 2001 was viewed by the United States embassy as a way of placating the “unhappy powerbroker” Solomon Mujuru.