Gono rattled feathers

Central bank governor Gideon Gono said his new policies had unleashed a “shrill” cacophony of covert memos and emissaries to President Robert Mugabe with one high ranking Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front senior official travelling all the way to Malaysia where Mugabe was holidaying to complain about his policy.


Was Mujuru assassinated?

A report which claims that diamonds worth more than US$2 billion have been stolen from Marange since 2008, says former army commander Solomon Mujuru who died in a fire in August last year was assassinated by unknown persons.


Tsvangirai’s strategy

Despite ultimatums to president Robert Mugabe that he would pull out of negotiations if the government did not release abducted Movement for Democratic Change activists, MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai never planned to abandon talks and had mapped out a 60-day plan which included continued negotiations.


Everyone waited for Gono

After Finance Minister Herbert Murerwa’s vacuous 2004 budget speech, everyone was now waiting for the government’s new point man, central bank governor Gideon Gono to map the way forward for the country.