The complete Herbert Murerwa Wikileaks cables

Herbert Murerwa has been one of the longest serving members of President Robert Mugabe’s government. He has served as a civil servant, then as a diplomat and finally as a minister. The Harvard-educated Murerwa, who has been Minister of Finance more than once, has been variously described as decent but ineffective and “too much of a gentleman”. There are 53 Wikileaks cables on him. Here they are.


Murerwa moved to Lands

Herbert Murerwa, one of the senior Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front officials to retain his seat in the 2008 elections, was appointed Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement when the inclusive government was sworn in in February 2009.


Tsvangirai Wikileaks now over 600 with 200 to go

The Prime Minister and Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai has fought for democracy in Zimbabwe since he became secretary-general of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions in the 1980s. It was in that role that he was catapulted to the MDC. He has the highest number of Wikileaks cables released on Zimbabwe, more than 800. But whether it was for better or worse, only the public can decide. Here are the first 609. We have 200 more to go and will publish them all before we move on to complete those on President Robert Mugabe who has the second highest. The cables might be boring to some now but we feel we need to publish them, not to embarrass Tsvangirai because we do not even believe their accuracy. We are publishing them because this is what shaped US policy on Zimbabwe.