Are Biti, Ncube and Coltart’s arguments on the Chamisa Supreme Court ruling genuine?

Are Biti, Ncube and Coltart’s arguments on the Chamisa Supreme Court ruling genuine?

Movement for Democratic Change vice-presidents Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube as well as treasurer David Coltart are all seasoned lawyers.

But they had all deserted the original MDC led by Morgan Tsvangirai with Ncube and Coltart leaving in 2006 and Biti in 2014.

They were all, therefore, rescued from political doldrums by Chamisa last year.

So are their arguments against the Supreme Court ruling that Chamisa’s leadership of the MDC is illegitimate based on legal opinion or self-preservation?

What is your take?

If you are a lawyer please send your opinion to: [email protected]


1 Comment

  1. Baza T

    Biti and Ncube were rebels and the judgement makes them stand to loose if the MDC follows the judgement.

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