Another blow for Chamisa as SADC backs Mnangagwa

Another blow for Chamisa as SADC backs Mnangagwa

The Southern African Development Community has delivered another blow to Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa by backing President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

In a statement SADC chair, Namibian President Hage Geingob said Mnangagwa’s efforts to address Zimbabwe’s economic challenges were being undermined by some internal groups, in particular non-governmental organisations, which were working with external forces, to destabilise the country.

Mnangagwa told France 24 that it had the names and passport numbers of people from outside who were involved in last month’s protests. He said he had submitted the names to the respective embassies.

Chamisa has called on SADC to mediate in Zimbabwe’s national dialogue with the African Union and the United Nations guaranteeing the talks.

SADC leaders condemned last month’s violent demonstrations adding that it was unfortunate that violent demonstrators rode on the increase in fuel prices to implement their intention to destabilise the country.

“The demonstrations resulted in the destruction of property and loss of life. SADC condemns, in the strongest terms, the violence that ensued, and expresses sympathy with the affected families for the loss of their loved ones and their properties,” Geingob said.

“The SADC Heads of State and Government further noted that the Government’s efforts to transform the economy and bring about prosperity to the people of Zimbabwe are negatively affected by the illegal sanctions that were imposed on the country since the early 2000.

“SADC expresses its solidarity with the Government and the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe, and calls upon the international community to unconditionally lift all sanctions imposed on the country.”

United Nations coordinator in Zimbabwe Bishow Parajuli last week said while the world body supported dialogue in Zimbabwe it hoped that the dialogue would be nationally led and locally owned.

Zion Christian Church leader Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi also urged leaders to find an internal solution saying that if they involved outsiders they could wreck the unity because they would know where the cracks were.

Below is Geingob’s statement:

11 Feb, 2019


The Consultative Meeting of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Heads of State and Government, held on 09 February 2019, received a briefing from His Excellency, Mr. Emmerson Mnangagwa, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, on the current political and socio-economic developments in the country.

The SADC Heads of State and Government noted that since coming to power, the new Government of Zimbabwe has continued with concerted efforts to address socioeconomic challenges and transform the economy, particularly through the Zimbabwe Transitional Stabilization Programme (2018-2020), and to consolidate unity and peace in the country. This, notwithstanding, some internal groups, in particular NGOs, supported by external forces, have continued with efforts to destabilise the country.    The SADC Heads of State and Government also noted that in an effort to address the economic challenges in the country, the Government recently increased fuel prices. Unfortunately, violent demonstrators rode on the back of increases in fuel prices, to implement their intention to destabilise the country. The demonstrations resulted in the destruction of property and loss of life. SADC condemns, in the strongest terms, the violence that ensued, and expresses sympathy with the affected families for the loss of their loved ones and their properties.

The SADC Heads of State and Government further noted that the Government’s efforts to transform the economy and bring about prosperity to the people of Zimbabwe are negatively affected by the illegal sanctions that were imposed on the country since the early 2000. SADC expresses its solidarity with the Government and the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe, and calls upon the international community to unconditionally lift all sanctions imposed on the country.

The SADC Heads of State and Government also noted that the Government has commenced dialogue with all stakeholders in the country with a view to strengthening economic transformation, and calls upon all stakeholders to support the process.

Dr. Hage G. Geingob

President of the Republic of Namibia, and Chairperson of SADC

11 February 2019



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