Active coronavirus in Zimbabwe drop to less than 1 000, Bulawayo now has only 11

Active coronavirus in Zimbabwe drop to less than 1 000, Bulawayo now has only 11

The number of active coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe today dropped to 970 with Bulawayo remaining with only 11.

There was only one death, 12 new cases and 46 recoveries raising the number of deaths to 1 485, cases to 36 260 and recoveries to 33 805.

Harare now has 529 active cases, Matebeleland North 182 and Manicaland 116.

Sadly here are 131 people in hospital, 19 of them sever cases and 10 in intensive care.

The vaccination programme seems to have slowed down with 779 people getting the jab today. So far 32 014 people have been vaccinated.



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