A sigh of relief

The appointment of Gideon Gono as governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe was a relief not just to the business and financial community but to senior officials of the ruling ZANU-PF as well.

Whispers say chefs in the ruling party were worried that Gono might be appointed Minister of Finance which would have scuppered the chances of those aspiring for higher office because though he is a novice with no political base, he has a lot of clout because he was too close to the big man, Mugabe.

Gono has bailed out Mugabe on a number of occasions and seems to be in good books with man of the moment, Jonathan Moyo, the man who seems to be calling the shots at the moment.

Though not very popular within the ruling party, Moyo can make or break politicians because of his control over the media where even staffers say he is running the show.

Gono’s appointment as governor of the central bank puts him a distance away. Though Mugabe seems to be giving him more leeway, his top lieutenants are happy Gono is not in the thick of it.



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