Sithole’s double talk

ZANU (Ndonga) leader Ndabaningi, who on his return from self-exile in the United States promised to give every Zimbabwean $600 a month and a 15-acre piece of land, is now beginning to show his true colours. He is no saviour but another exploiter if recent press reports are correct.

Instead of giving the peasants money, Sithole is actually ripping them off by charging them $30 a month to put up shacks at his Churu Farm, just outside Glen View in Harare. Sithole is actually taking advantage of families that cannot afford high rents in Harare. If reports that he has about 3 000 people staying at his 450 hectare farm are correct then he must be making a killing.

Besides he seems to have put his political career at stake by once again linking up with other politicians who have failed to unseat the ruling party. While this may all be in the name of a united from to fight ZANU (PF), the people of Zimbabwe, while seeking an alternative to the ruling party, are not likely to take kindly to the likes of Ian Smith and Bishop Muzorewa.

Even the recently formed Democratic Reform Trust is in danger of going the same way. People are looking for new leaders with fresh ideas and a clean past but all they seem to be getting are born again politicians who do not seem to have been “born again” in the true sense. Even those of the new leaders who have come up seem to be rushing to announce political parties without having done any groundwork to prove that they’re really what they claim to be.

This is what is prompting many to encourage the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions to form a political party as at least it has some proven leaders. But the labour body is adamant that this would be against its interests as it is there to serve the workers and can therefore not be a government as well as a representative of the workers.



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