Mwonzora bashed after saying a true revolution is built on solid values

Mwonzora bashed after saying a true revolution is built on solid values

Interim Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora who was removed from the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leadership yesterday today said that a true revolution was built on solid values and principles and not opportunism, favouritism and self-hate.

He immediately got a bashing from his twitter followers with some calling him unmentionable names and others saying he was a sell-out and had simply spoken today because he knew the outcome of the court judgment due to be released today.

Mwonzora became interim secretary-general of the MDC-T after the Supreme Court ruled that Nelson Chamisa’s leadership was illegitimate and ordered the party to revert to the 2014 congress structures. The court also ordered the party to hold an extra-ordinary congress in three months if called by interim leader Thokozani Khupe or in four months if called by interim chairman Morgen Komichi.

Chamisa yesterday reshuffled his leadership and made new appointments but removed Mwonzora, Komichi and Elias Mudzuri who are calling for the extra ordinary congress at the end of July.

In his first tweet in 17 days, Mwonzora said: “We must all have a shared common national vision that will set Zimbabwe on a developmental trajectory. A true revolution is built on solid values and principles and not on opportunism, favouritism and self hate. Zimbabwe belongs to all who live in it.”

It was not clear whether he was referring to yesterday’s sacking or not but there was a barrage of comments castigating him as a sell-out.

Some even said because he was now in bed with the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, he already knew he outcome of today’ court judgment that is why he had the courage to speak.

The MDC-A went to court last week to stop the MDC-T from recalling more legislators after the party recalled four key legislators.



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