Zimbabwe revises coronavirus cases downwards to 34

Zimbabwe revises coronavirus cases downwards to 34

Zimbabwe has revised its coronavirus cases down to 34 after 6 cases that were reported as positive in Harare on 29 April were retested and proved negative.

However, results of the 344 cases from Harare and 170 from Bulawayo tested yesterday were still pending.

The Ministry of Health tested 977 cases yesterday bringing the total of 9 291.

Following the gaffe, the ministry said it was reassuring the nation that it is guided by the key values and principles of professionalism, transparency and accountability.

It said the systems it has in place will assure continued reporting of accurate and reliable test results.

Zimbabwe, which has been under national lockdown for the past five weeks, will continue for another two but under relaxed conditions will allow limited formal trading.

People will, however, now be required to wear masks whenever they go out.

Only buses will be allowed to transport people but they will have to be disinfected at least twice a day.

The informal sector and church services continue to be banned.

Public gatherings are limited to less than 50 people.




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