Khupe says if you believe I can join Mugabe you might as well believe that the devil is in heaven

Embattled Movement for Democratic Change vice-president Thokozani Khupe had dismissed reports that she tried to team up with former President Robert Mugabe to form a formidable opposition against the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Emmerson Mnangagwa saying anyone who believed that “rubbish” might as well believe that the devil is in heaven.

Khupe has been under the radar for refusing to recognise new MDC president Nelson Chamisa saying she only recognises someone elected by congress.

Chamisa was appointed by the party’s national council which Khupe argues has no such powers.

She says that in the interim, she should be the party’s acting president because she is the only elected vice-president, the other two, Chamisa and Elias Mudzuri, were appointed by the late party leader Morgan Tsvangirai.

According to Newsday, Khupe brushed off reports that she tried to team up with Ambrose Mutinhiri, leader of the recently formed National Patriotic Front.

“That is rubbish. I know fiction writing when I read it, that is what you are talking about. If you read throughout the story, you will be ashamed to be called a journalist with such fiction writers. It is hogwash. If you believe anything there, you can as well believe that the devil is in heaven. It’s rubbish,” she was quoted as saying.

The NPF reportedly has the backing of Mugabe and former G40 kingpins but they said they would not be in its leadership.

Khupe was given until today to repent or be fired from the MDC but some reports say Chamisa is planning to talk to her.




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